Thursday, 29 August 2013

Now now child.

I wanna get into a fight
Or a sparring session at least
Just to wake myself up
Because I've been oblivious
To all the madness
That I now see all around me 
Knowing that I'm part of it all
Because that's what we all are. 

I wanna get into a fight
Or a sparring session at least
To recall what it was like
To get beaten down
To recall that I'm vulnerable
That I'm not all that great
To realize that there's always 
A bigger fish
And also perhaps a bigger fist
And also about the bigger loser. 

I wanna get into a fight 
Or a sparring session at least
To feel all sweaty and slimy again
Knowing that there's a reason
To why I do things
Also to be back to my old self
I miss the old Sam
He is so different
From the Sam that we all know.
Someone kidnapped him
And placed a robot
In his place
In his heart
In his mind
In his body. 

I wanna get into a fight
Or a sparring session at least
To be with my friends
To be with Kevin
The one who's been with me 
For the past few years
During training
Going out for dinners
Telling each other the secrets
That no one else would know
Because we trust each other so much
And because we help each other
Through the thick and thin
And offer advice to each other
Through our different views of the world
And of life
So we always come out stronger
Than when we entered. 

I wanna get into a fight
Or a sparring session at least
To know that you've gotta
Fend for yourself 
Not because no one is gonna be there
For you all the time
And not because people are 
Gonna leave you
But because if you can't 
Fend for yourself
There's no one that 
You can really fend for
Without compromising your safety
And that is something
That nobody wants. 

I miss being the old me. 
But sometimes I feel. 
That the current me. 
Will always. 
Be better. 
Than the old. 

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