Thursday, 3 April 2014


i was just gonna write about this past monday (31st march) then i saw how many blog views i had. 4364. WHO READS MY BLOG SO OFTEN? come on own up. this is kinda scary!! oh. well its been a whole year since i last created this blog. but uh, is 4364 reasonable? idk. BUT ANYWAY.

yes, this past monday was WAAAAAAAAY AWESOME. i went out with the missionaries from the church!! so basically it all started on sunday after church when Sister Noh randomly asked me (since im the ward mission leader) if i had any birdies (badminton shuttlecocks) and i said that yeah i do have them. so she asks if she can borrow them for a day since she's gonna be playing badminton with the missionaries tomorrow (monday) during their p-day (preparation day). so im like yeah sure why not but WHY DIDNT YOU INVITE ME. so anyway i kinda regretted saying that because it made me sound like an idiot. a pure idiot. but Sister Noh was super enthu about it and was like "YEAH YOU SHOULD TOTALLY COME WITH US" and im like "uh okay". i asked her where and what time they were gonna be playing and so she said that she'd text me. fair enough.

later at night i fully felt the regret in full force so i texted the Sisters saying that it just miiiiiiiiiiiight be awkward if i went for the game.  she said "So not awkward! Meet the missionaries!! We're playing sports at east coast park :)"

east coast park.
so far.
im up in the north.
and theyre playing in the east.


so anyway i decide to go, since if i DONT turn up then im making myself out to be a complete idiot. its like i tell you that i wanna go (basically inviting myself) and then when you invite me, i turn it down.


so yeah i didnt wanna be a full-fledged idiot so i went along with it.
they texted me at 8 in the morning (sounds about right) saying that theyre gonna be at east coast at 3pm, but gonna proceed with their usual pday stuff before that. they asked me if i wanna eat with them. i replied later at like 1+pm (i know, how stupid) saying that i'll be eating at home with mom and then head over to meet them later.

i changed up, picked up the bag (it was already packed) and then headed off. i took the train heading towards jurong east to head to tampines then take a bus from there. when i was at yew tee, i smsed wong ming asking him if i can take bus 172 (i anyhow bomb one number) from tamp interchange to get to ecp. he said he dk since he doesnt take from there.

so im like OH YEAH HOR CAN TAKE FROM YISHUN RIGHT?? *i genuinely knew that, it just didnt come to my mind to take that route*

and he says he takes from bishan. sooooooo im on the wrong train. i should be going the other way. so what happens? i swap trains and head back up. took me like 10+minutes to get back to marsiling, and an additional 30++++minutes to get to bishan. the train decided to go slow. by the time i get to bishan, i follow ming's instructions to take bus 13. when i got out to the main road, i looked up the bus guide and then look for the road that i should be alighting on as stated by ming.


but guess what, the bus arrives, and im forced to make a decision. so i go up to the bus immediately, ask the bus driver if the bus goes to this certain road, and she says YES after thinking for a while. sounds legit enough, so i tap my card and hop on. i told her that i'll be right behind her so she can just tell me when im supposed to drop off.

this must have the most scary bus ride i have ever taken in a long time. on my own, dont know where im going, only trusting in wming and his directions. EVEN IF ITS MING'S DIRECTIONS. i dont really like taking buses because theyre confusing. so i keep staring out the bus' window to look at the bus stop's sign to see what road im on. looking all over the place and everywhere so i have a rough idea of where i am.

i text the Sisters at 2.40pm saying im running late. they text back 3mins later saying they're super late too so no worries. 50minutes later i text saying im on the bus, along sims ave. 5minutes later they text back saying that theyre PLAYING at the beach near Burger King.

oh wow. i immediately reply that im STILL at sims ave (it is one RIDICULOUSLY LONG ROAD). I said that the road gives off the vibes of eastern singapore (well, the road signs also said "geylang" and "lorong" so i guess must be east sg lah right?), and that im comforted by that. also said that im sorry for being so late.

2minutes later they text back saying that "Ur good!!"

soon the bus driver tells me that i should be dropping off at either this upcoming bus stop or the next. i tell that i going to east coast park and then she says okay then drop off at this coming bus stop. she told me to alight and then walk (she didnt say walk WHERE, or for HOW long, but just "walk").


i alight, and took 3seconds to decide on which direction to walk. against the traffic or with the traffic (i picked with the traffic). i walked, crossed diagonally across a junction, walked around, figuring my way out, and then i come across a shop. i asked the shop owner where the underpass to ecp is, and she says 10minutes walk. just follow the HDBs and keep going straight.


so i follow her direction and kept walking, following the HDBs. it didnt take me 10minutes. it took me about 3minutes. lol. anyway. im a fast walker. so anyway. i reach the end of the HDBs where it meets a small road blocked off by some fences. so i cant go straight anymore. i look around, and see this bunker-like entrance. it pointed downwards, so it must be leading somewhere, other than a bunker. i make my way there.

at 4.09pm i texted the Sisters saying "okay im at the underpass now. i beliebe [sic] im arriving soon"

i went down, across, and up and out of the underpass. i see two guys rollerblading, so i asked them which way burger king was. they pointed, and so i said thanks and headed off. then soon after, i see the backs of two pairs of missionaries. one of them look like Sister Noh. i took off my slippers and i ran.

-cliff hanger-

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