[16 July]
It's a Thursday morning and I'm awake at 5am. I take the guys for morning exercise at 5.45am and begin eating breakfast at 5.55am. The IC asks for a 10-minute breakfast.
Since I'm an understudy, I take on understudy roles. As of yesterday evening, I was appointed as the laundry ic. We work on a rotation basis, and share the key among the other laundry ICs every week.
My first task was to open the room for a trainee who booked in at night. I changed into my admin attire, opened up the room, and started to organise the whole place. It was so messy. Soon I picked up the trainee and passed him the stuff that he required (which I had already picked out for him) (see I so nice).
Ended up taking 7 more blankets for my guys who don't have (since we were all poorly equipped). Carried them up with farizal and he helped me distribute them.
Sometimes I wonder about what kind of a sergeant I should be. Then, after a long time, I'll catch myself and remind myself that I already have a role model: Sergeant Hambali, from my BMT phase. Cool, funny, casual, tolerant, understanding, hopeful. Yeah, that's who I wanna be. A sergeant that others can look up to and emulate. I mustn't go back to my drum major days. But if I need to, I will.
But it'll take time.