i'll mainly blog about the competition and grading for 18 jan 2014. since i dont have much else to talk about.
supposed to report to SP Concourse at 090hrs.
i woke up at 0658hrs, decided i was early and had time, so i went to the toilet and then back to sleep.
mom woke me up at 0830hrs, reminding me it was time to go to school. i was late.
since i had my bag packed already, i just ate cereal/milk for breakfast, and headed off to school.
arriving at 0930ish-hrs, i figured out where concourse was and just followed my instinct. found it in the first try lol.
thought i was mega late but only to find out that nothing was really set up already, so i went with the others to get the mats and transport them from the clubhouse all the way to concourse. imagine that distance we covered.
we quickly set them up and slowly by slowly more people were showing up. things started to look the way they should, but of course we didnt start at 1000hrs. more like 30mins later or so, idk.
the black belts started to show, and slowly settled down.
once things were in order, the grading began.
first it was the yellow belts (we didnt have any white belts) doing their kihon 1 and kihon ido 1 then their kata.
next up was all the greens, browns, and probationary black (danielle and i). kihon 2 and kihon ido 2. kata.
danielle and i were the last two to play our katas. she went up first cuz her name was placed before mine (alphabetically speaking). she was asked to perform one of the taikokyu katas, tenshou, sanchin, sanseiro (not sure about them llolololol).
then it was my turn.
100% serious mode. great feeling.
first up was taikokyu kake uke. shouted kata name, and began.
messed up the second step. supposed to do a mai geri and then a mai hijiate, but i did a mai geri, mai hijiate AND a chudan zuki.
"flip" i said.
yes, i said that out loud, but not too audible.
i returned back to heiko. i heared shihan ask "are you ready?"
"okay again".
did it again, this time no mistakes.
next was seienchin, sanseiro, and then sanchin.
jerome had told me earlier that i might need to take off my top gi during sanchin so they could conduct the necessary "tests" during the kata. it didnt worry me, i just took it as getting used to being topless at various times during NS.
but anyway. before i began the kata, i asked if i was required to remove my top gi, but they said that it was not necessary. so be it.
so i begun the kata, reliving the same moments so many years ago when i took the grading to be promoted to shodan-ho. and now, taking the same grading to be a shodan. joseph ho was the tester since he had booked out from army. i made tiny mistake, but i hope the panel didnt notice it.
once i was done, it was time for lunch (1300hrs), we bought macs at T16 (imagine a group of fellas walking with full gi, some without belts, all the way to T16). saw fareez otw to SMA with 3 of his friends, waved to him, and he waved back with a "hey".
got the norm, mcspicy, brought it back to concourse to eat with the others. reached at 1335hrs, and ate up quickly. last one to finish though LOL. reporting time was 1345hrs, but i think other people only started to show up at 1400hrs. late people make things happen later. bad bad bad.
began the competition at like 1430hrs or something. medics had arrived. my kata event was the 3rd event to go i think, and was first pitched against ei fong. i played seienchin and he played geksai 1. . naturally, i won. then i was up against jerome. kevin came up to me before the match, and confirmed if i was playing sansero. i confirmed with a "yes", and he reminded me to "be firm", taking me back to thursday's training when he helped me learn how to play it better.
seriously, my best buddy in poly. he's such an amazing person.
i thanked him, and got ready for the bout.
jerome was aka (red) so he went first. he played suparinpei: a kata that he had learned during my absence. high level (i think) black belt kata. with my sansero, i was sure to lose.
he started.
a third way in, he stopped. he had forgotten the next move. remembering, he continued.
a little way more, he stopped, figuring out the next move. once again, he remembered, and continued.
as this continued to happen a few more times, i was convinced that i still stood a chance with my lower level kata.
he closed his kata once he finished, and walked out of the mat.
my turn.
game face on, lets do this
its either my best, or i'll be bested.
walked along the outer perimeter of the mat to the center.
turned to face the panel.
walked into the mat, stopping 2/5 of the way in.
stood in heiko stance, then remembering to be in musubi dachi, i made the changes.
dangit. lol. *game face still on*
shouted my kata name in my competition voice.
do or die.
if i play this kata beautifully, i could just win a gold.
lets go.
first step.
second step.
third step.
all eyes were on me.
because i demanded it with my presence.
"look at me play my kata, and be awed. im not afraid, neither am i ashamed."
hand to shoulder.
snap down.
twist hips, step forward, right handed scoop, left handed break, leaning forward. all in one second.
look frontwards, X-block, left front kick, step down, right leg forward stance, right front elbow, left cross punch down.
pull right leg back to cat stance, raise up, snapping down into a knee-breaking kick, cross over left foot, turn.
left front kick, step down, right leg forward stance, right front elbow, left cross punch down. pull right leg back to cat stance, raise up, snapping down into a knee-breaking kick, cross over left foot, turn.
completing the 4 directions, i paused a short while. next step. lower X-block.
right leg crosses left leg horizontally with an over-body grab, then moving back likewise to the previous stance with a mixed block/elbow strike.
looking to the right now.
right leg sweep, hands sweeping in a mawashi uke, stepped forward with a small forward stance and a morote zuki. my kiai fills the room fiercely.
right leg steps over, turn, left side block.
one step forward, another side block.
down to low stance with my left leg, mixed block/elbow strike.
left leg sweep, stepping forward with a small forward stance and once again, a morote zuki. my voice fills the room again. mercilessly. a death cry.
left leg crosses over, turns. im facing the front now in a low stance. my hands sweep up in a circular motion, displaying a crane block. i pause a good while, maybe 3seconds long. it feels like eternity.
i close my kata. bow. and step to the side i was assigned to. jerome steps in, stands on his side.
soon, the decision has to be made. jerome with his high level kata with a few mistakes, or my lower lever kata filled with my best.
3, 2, 1.
5 flags are raised.
1 for red.
4 for blue.
i won.